Our first three years of business as Design Moves People has brought us a ton of new work, new friends, and great ideas. Because of this we have grown tremendously! This year we are about to grow even further as we head into the thick of our new development, The Holiday, more architecture projects, more graphic design, and more of what we love to do.
Now we’d like to welcome you to the evolution of Design Moves People - Say hello to Mancusi Design, LLC.
Besides the obvious administrative changes, we wanted to redefine our brand to mirror our approach and who we are. We still believe Design Moves People (we are retaining that name for something else to come in the future) but overall we are partners, we are a creative collaborative, we are Mancusi Design, LLC and we are proud of it!
As of now, our blog, website, work, and brand has been combined into one place MancusiDesign.com. This new website highlights our Architectural, Development, and Branding/Graphic Design work for your enjoyment. We hope you enjoy our new site, our new brand, and our new direction - we are excited for what will come.